Excerpts from Comprehensive Curriculum Document approved by the UGME Curriculum Committee of UoS in August 2013.
1. All summative examinations must follow a test blueprint based on the objectives and teaching emphasis of the course (LCME ED-26); and
2. All examination must be based on the competency model and therefore must be rigorously constructed to reflect a defensible pass/fail cut point (LCME ED-30).
Discussion Preparations
1. To construct a blueprint for your examination, you may bring with you a prepared document containing (a)the course or module objectives which are stated in your syllabus, (b) major topics and assigned instructional hours, (c) key facts, concepts, principles, and procedures involved in a specific topic.
2. To create an examination with an appropriate difficulty level on the basis of a previous exam, you may (a)bring with you an examination statistics report for that exam, and (b) the corresponding exam with answers for our review.