Assessment Services College of Medicine University of Saskatchewan
B526.5 HLB, 107 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon S7N 5E5 SK, Canada Tel: 3069668437 Contact Us Sign in | ClickBook Information
Welcome!Faculty, staff, and students of the college are very welcome to make an appointment with the Assessment Specialist to discuss assessment blueprinting, item analysis, or other assessment issues.An appointment typically lasts one hour; however, you may book time slots consecutively if you need longer time.
Saskatoon Location - Please select a Service
People & Resources
Yongchao Shi
Assessment Specialist
Dr. Yongchao Shi is skilled at assessment blueprinting, item analysis, and other assessment issues.

Excerpts from Comprehensive Curriculum Document approved by the UGME Curriculum Committee of UoS in August 2013.

1. All summative examinations must follow a test blueprint based on the objectives and teaching emphasis of the course (LCME ED-26); and

2. All examination must be based on the competency model and therefore must be rigorously constructed to reflect a defensible pass/fail cut point (LCME ED-30).

Discussion Preparations

1. To construct a blueprint for your examination, you may bring with you a prepared document containing (a)the course or module objectives which are stated in your syllabus, (b) major topics and assigned instructional hours, (c) key facts, concepts, principles, and procedures involved in a specific topic.

2. To create an examination with an appropriate difficulty level on the basis of a previous exam, you may (a)bring with you an examination statistics report for that exam, and (b) the corresponding exam with answers for our review.

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